Free Solar Panels In Hawaii

hawaiiHawaii is the Aloha state.

Aloha is probably the word that we most recognize with Hawaii.  But do you know Hawaii’s state motto?

The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.

This is an ideal that they took to heart when it became feasible to switch to solar power.  Not only does Hawaii have the highest rate of return on a solar power setup in the country but it has also enacted a state requirement as outlined in their renewable portfolio standard for Hawaii to have 40% of its power requirements met by renewable energy by the year 2030.  That’s just 15 years away.

Whether you get free solar panels though a zero down lease agreement, power purchase agreement, finance them yourself or do a direct purchase. It’s clear that In Hawaii solar panels are better than free, they make you money.  With an initial reduction of your monthly bills no matter how you finance  you solar panels you are essentially getting them for free.

IF you purchased solar panels outright you will be looking at a complete return on investment that could be as short as two years and will definitely be no more than 4.

Solar Power Companies in Hawaii

$0 Down Solar Leasing is Available!

SunRun and SolarCity do operate in Hawaii.

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Hawaii at a glance

Electricity use in Hawaii

$190.36    This is the average residential electric bill in Hawaii.

$80.16     This is the amount Hawaii pays above the national average per month.

$36.98     This is the average cost of electricity in Hawaii.

$24.86     This is how much Hawaii is above the national average cost for electricity.

Sunny Days In Hawaii

71%     What percentage of days are sunny in Hawaii?

25%     What percentage of sunny days have no clouds in Hawaii?

13:25   What is the longest day in Hawaii?

10:50   What is the shortest day in Hawaii?


Solar power incentives in Hawaii

Does Hawaii have a RPS?

YES, Hawaii has a renewable portfolio standard set in place.

Does Hawaii participate in the SREC market?

NO, Hawaii does not have a SCREC market place.

Does Hawaii allow trading into other SCREC markets?

NO, Hawaii does not trade in any way with the SCREC trade.

Does Hawaii offer a state tax credit for solar power?

YES, Hawaii has a tax credit for going with solar power.

Is there a state sales tax exemption in Hawaii for solar power?

YES, Hawaii has a sales tax exemption for solar power s system.

Does Hawaii offer a property tax exemption for solar energy?

YES, Hawaii does have a property tax exemption for solar power systems.

Does Hawaii offer a Feed-in Tariff?

YES, unlike most places in the US, Hawaii does have a Feed-in Tariff.

Does Hawaii offer Net Metering?

YES, in Hawaii there is the option for Net Metering.


Again as in all 50 states there is the 30% federal tax credit.


YES, there are a number of other solar power and renewable energy incentives in Hawaii, you can find out more at