At first glance, you would not expect Massachusetts to be a leader for the country in solar power, with shorter summers, colder climate and limited sun. However, despite the spotty sun shine throughout the year Massachusetts residents are proving that clean renewable energy is a very real viable option. Not a fade but a changing trend in how we all will be powering our home in the future. With Massachusetts having set high standards for solar power and having met those goals for green energy four years early they have increased incentives and set higher standards for the coming years, with a goal set at 1,600 MW by the year 2020 and an overall 25% by the year 2030.
Massachusetts is probably one of the best places to get solar panels for free using a power purchase agreement. Being one of the best states for incentive in renewable energy it is no wonder that solar power companies are taking advantage of this.
Buying solar power out right or financing yourself would be a great option as well. With State and federal tax credits combined you could eliminate around 45% of the initial cost of solar panels. This is before any additional credits or incentives and still does not take into the account of selling power back to the electric company.
Solar companies want to get in on these benefits so they really want to have solar panels on your roof working for them so you just have to decide which is better for you. Own the system outright and deal with the incentives rebates yourself or simply lease and have a lower monthly bill. Either way you will save money.
Solar Power Companies in Massachusetts
$0 Down Solar Leasing is Available!
SunRun and SolarCity do operate in Massachusetts.
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Massachusetts AT A GLANCE
Electricity use in Massachusetts
$100.97 This is the average residential electric bill in Massachusetts.
$ 9.23 This is the amount Massachusetts pays below the national average
$15.70 This is the average cost of electricity in Massachusetts.
$3.58 This is how much Massachusetts is below the national averaged cost for electricity.
Sunshine in Massachusetts
58% of all days are sunny in Massachusetts.
28% of all sunny days that do not have clouds.
15:17 this is the longest day in Massachusetts.
9:04 this is the shortest day of the year for Massachusetts
Solar power incentives in Massachusetts
Does Massachusetts have a RPS?
YES, Massachusetts has a renewable portfolio standard set in place.
Does Massachusetts participate in the SREC market?
YES, Massachusetts does have a SCREC market place.
Does Massachusetts allow trading into other SCREC markets?
YES, Massachusetts does allow trading into other SCREC markets.
Does Massachusetts offer a state tax credit for solar power?
YES, Massachusetts has a 15% tax credit for going with solar power.
Is there a state sales tax exemption in Massachusetts for solar power?
YES, Massachusetts has a 100% sales tax exemption for solar power s system.
Does Massachusetts offer a property tax exemption for solar energy?
YES, Massachusetts does have a 100% added value property tax exemption for solar power systems.
Does Massachusetts offer a Feed-in Tariff?
NO, like most places in the US Massachusetts does not offer any type of Feed-in Tariff.
Does Massachusetts offer Net Metering?
YES, in Massachusetts there is the option for Net Metering.
Again as in all 50 states there is the 30% federal tax credit.
Are there additional renewable energy incentives Massachusetts?
YES, there are a number of other solar power and renewable energy incentives in Massachusetts, you can find out more at dsireusa.org.