Now leasing a system through a power purchase agreement is of course the simplest way to get solar panels setup for free so it is a little let down that this option isn’t available. All this means though is that you need to do a little bit more of the work yourself. Which ultimately means that you will get more of the benefits. You will own your solar panels outright, you will get a better property value increase and your loan payment will be done and gone long before a leasing contract would have been up.
Solar Power Companies in Georgia
$0 Down Solar Leasing is not available!
SunRun and SolarCity do not operate in Georgia.
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Electricity use in Georgia
$124.67 This is the average residential electric bill in Georgia.
$14.47 This is the amount Georgia pays above the national average.
$11.46 This is the average cost of electricity in Georgia.
$0.66 This is how much Georgia is below the national average cost for electricity.
Sunshine in Georgia
68% of all days are sunny in Georgia.
40% of all sunny days that do not have clouds.
14:25 this is the longest day in Georgia.
9:53 this is the shortest day of the year for Georgia
Solar power incentives in Georgia
Does Georgia have a RPS?
NO, Georgia does not have renewable portfolio standard.
Does Georgia participate in the SREC market?
NO, Georgia does not have a SCREC market place.
Does Georgia allow trading into other SCREC markets?
NO, Georgia does not trade in any way with the SCREC trade.
Does Georgia offer a state tax credit for solar power?
YES, Georgia has a tax credit for going with solar power.
35% up to $10,500 for the purchase of solar panels.
Is there a state sales tax exemption in Georgia for solar power?
YES, Georgia has a sales tax exemption for solar power s system.
Does Georgia offer a property tax exemption for solar energy?
NO, there is no property tax exemption in Georgia for solar powered systems.
Does Georgia offer a Feed-in Tariff?
NO, like most places in the USGeorgia does not offer any type of Feed-in Tariff.
Does Georgia offer Net Metering?
YES, in Georgia there is the option for Net Metering.
Again as in all 50 states there is the 30% federal tax credit.
Are there additional renewable energy incentives in Georgia?
YES, there are a number of other solar power and renewable energy incentives in Georgia, you can find out more at dsireusa.org