Yes you can, get free solar panels in Connecticut with a solar power leasing program.
Get you solar panels setup and maintained while saving money each month.
A leasing program or power purchase agreement is a great way to easily get set up with solar power and in Connecticut companies are eager to do this. Installing solar panels your self is a great option as well, if you are willing to do all the work to make sure you get all the benefits that you are allowed you can save a bundle on the initial cost of setting up your own system and the bill you will be paying every month if you finance the setup should still be cheaper that what you are currently paying for electricity.
$0 Down Solar Leasing is Available!
SunRun and SolarCity do operate in Connecticut
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Connecticut at a glance
Electricity use in Connecticut
$17.55 This is the average price for electricity in Connecticut.
$132.07 This is the average monthly bill for electricity in Connecticut.
$5.43 This is how much more you pay in Connecticut for electricity over the national average.
$21.87 This is how much more per month you are paying for electricity than the national average.
Sunshine in Connecticut
56% Percentage of all days that are sunny in Connecticut.
23% Percentage of sunny days have no clouds in Connecticut.
15:12 The longest amount of daylight in longest day of the year..
9:08 The shortest amount of daylight Connecticut receives on the shortest day.
Solar power incentives in Connecticut
Does Connecticut have a RPS?
YES, Connecticut does have a Renewable Portfolio Standard.
Does Connecticut participate in the SREC market?
NO, Connecticut does not participate in the SCREC program.
Does Connecticut allow trading into other SCREC markets?
NO, Because Connecticut does not participate in the SCREC program there is no way to sell or get credit for any power production through out the SCREC system.
Is there a state sales tax exemption in Connecticut for solar power?
YES, There is a100% sales tax exemption in Connecticut for solar power systems.
Does Connecticut offer a property tax exemption for solar energy?
YES, In Connecticut there is a 100% property to tax exemption for solar power systems.
Does Connecticut offer a Feed-in Tariff?
NO, there is no feed-in tariff established in Connecticut
Does Connecticut offer net metering?
YES, Connecticut has a great net metering program that not only applies to solar but to any form of clean energy production.
Federal Government Solar power incentives
Again as in all 50 states there is the 30% federal tax credit.
are there additional solar power incentives in Connecticut?
YES, There are a number of other solar power and renewable energy incentives in Connecticut. You can see a list of them at dsireusa.org